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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and 归属感
Philosophy Statement

as approved by the Foxcroft School Board of Trustees

Initial Implementation January 21, 2017
修改 & Approved by Vote January 27, 2024

Foxcroft’s mission is to help all students explore their unique voices and develop the skills, 信心, and courage to share them with the world. We live out this mission through being a community of understanding hearts, where each student is known, valued as an individual, and feels they belong. Our core values of respect, 完整性, 善良, and service to others guide us as we learn and live together within a community of students, 教师, and staff from globally diverse backgrounds.

We prepare students for success in college and beyond. Our students will live and work in a global community, where cultural competencies, 协作, and 包容 are essential skills. In our curriculum, our co-curricular programming, and our residential community, we encourage all members to pursue knowledge, recognize their personal biases, view a topic from multiple perspectives, and demonstrate respect for diverse viewpoints. We believe that respect requires a willingness in students, 教师, and staff to get to know one another — to ask questions, to challenge themselves, and to consider new perspectives without judgment.

领导 supports the Foxcroft community in its journey towards cultural humility, personal development, and greater human understanding. Foxcroft provides opportunities through curriculum and residential 经历, as well as student organizations, 领导, and professional development, to aid in fostering belonging and understanding. 

Our community welcomes and celebrates the diverse histories, 经历, and identities of each of its members, and we believe that shared 经历 — formal and informal — within a diverse community, foster authentic human relationships and growth. 进一步, Foxcroft students are inspired to recognize, 反思, and compassionately respond to the diverse needs of others outside of the school community.

The Foxcroft community is dedicated to actively promoting diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属感.  The School continually reviews policies, 项目, and practices to ensure all members of our community feel welcomed, 安全, 和授权. Foxcroft intentionally cultivates unique learning opportunities to allow each member of our community to thrive.


three girls smile for a photo in front of schoolhouse